Jenny Häggblom


Little English Version
Is sitting in study hall, doing nothing. Well I have done my first math homework out of 8 so I have started but have a long way to go. The thing is that I'm too tired to do math on the internet. My head can't manage to do that for a long time. So for that hour, when I did my homework, I already got my headace. So now I'm drinking water because I will soon go to the gym.

Have had math and IEP today, my geography was cancelld so I was happy, and also thursday is like this! :) Got my vocabulary quiz back today, wasn't too good, I got another F. Hmmm, what sould I do? I was studying for that one!

Have a meeting with Dusty our Academic Advisor today, mabye I can change something even if the mid-term i passed... Don't think so, but maybe... Will now return to my homeworks and I think I will do cardio and read at the same time in the gym. I hope the machine are available, they changes cardio machines this week so there is only one that everybody can use. But if it's my lucky day I might do Cardio! 

Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand my learning... See Ya! 

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